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Edit Services

There are three more important options in the “Edit Service” dialog: “Duplicate”“Hide” and “Delete”. The “Duplicate” and “Hide” options are available for users with administrator and manager roles, but the “Delete” option is only available for administrators.

“Duplicate” is a helpful option when you have several similar services. By using it, you won’t have to enter them all again. Open the service you want to duplicate, in the bottom left corner click on the “Duplicate” button, and the same service, will open again (just the copied version).

Next to the “Duplicate” is the “Hide” button. If you don’t want to delete your service, but you will not need it for some future period, you can hide it by clicking on this button. The hidden service will still be visible on the back-end of your plugin (in a gray color and with the hidden sign), but it will not be visible on the front-end of your website.

Wellness Unity Hub  - duplicate a services

The “Delete” option is available only for the WordPress administrator. If you want to delete a service, click on the desired service, and in the “Edit Service” modal that appears, find the “Delete” button at the bottom left corner of the modal. Click on the “Delete” button, and one of three messages will appear depending on the number of connected appointments:

  1. If your service doesn’t have any connected appointments simply confirm your deleting,
  2. If your service has past appointments, you will see the information about the number of appointments and you will have to confirm your deleting,
  3. If your service has appointments in the future, you will be so informed and you will not be able to delete it.

Sorting the Services

You can sort services in the list by choosing the type of sorting in the “Sort Service” dropdown or you can do this by the drag and drop option in the list. The order that you set here will be the order in which services will appear on the front-end forms for booking.

In the “Sort Service” dropdown you have four main options: Name Ascending, Name Descending, Price Ascending, and Price Descending, but you also have Custom as an option which will be automatically chosen if you move any service on the list with drag and drop option. For making the custom order by drag and drop, just click on the burger icon which you will see on each service, and drag and drop the service on the list.

Wellness Unity Hub  - sorting services

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