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Group Appointments

Understanding appointments There are two different types of appointments each of which is based on the maximum capacity of the service that is delivered. An appointment is considered as a “Single” appointment if the maximum capacity of the service is 1. If the maximum capacity is… Read More »Group Appointments

Multiple Locations

What is a Location Location in the Wellness Unity Booking software is the place where your employees are providing the company’s services (office, agency, salon). You can have one or several locations, depending on the type of services you offer. If you have… Read More »Multiple Locations

Limitless Mindset

With over four decades of experience as a business coach, mentor, and consultant, John Kenny-Levick is dedicated to empowering individuals and teams to achieve their highest aspirations.

Calendar and list view

Calendar View The “Calendar” page is a user-friendly scheduler, it shows a reservation calendar with all scheduled appointments and events organized by employees, services, and locations. You can quickly find relevant data by using services, locations, and employee filters. There… Read More »Calendar and list view

Admin Dashboard

The “Dashboard” page is the first page that appears upon opening the WordPress appointment plugin if you are logged in as an “Administrator” or “Amelia Manager” user role. The “Dashboard” view summarizes monitoring information about all appointments, services, employees, and… Read More »Admin Dashboard

Custom fields

The Custom Fields feature gives you the option to add more fields to your booking form so as to customize it to best match your business needs. The customer’s first and last name, email address, and phone number are there… Read More »Custom fields