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Please note: The prerequisite for configuring coupons is to enable the “Coupons” option in the “Payments Settings”.

Once you enable the “Coupons” option in Wellness Unity’s Payment Settings, the Coupons tab will show up on Wellness Unity’s “Finance” page. It allows you to create promotional coupons to reduce the prices of appointments, events, or packages by a percentage or a fixed amount.

You can use filters to display specific records for a coupon code and the services, events, or packages for which customers can apply coupons. Coupons can be exported to a CSV file by clicking on the “Export” button. Clicking on the “Export” icon button opens a dialog allowing you to choose the delimiter used for CSV and select the columns that you’d like to export.

Amelia WordPress - Filter Coupons

The Coupons table shows information about the coupon code, percentage off, fixed amount off (deduction), service(s), package(s), and/or event(s) where the coupon can be applied, usage limit, how many times the coupon was used, and the expiration date of the coupon.

To create a new coupon simply click on the “+ New Coupon” button located at the top of the page. After opening a dialog you need to provide the “code” for your coupon (coupon name that customers will enter to get a discount), “discount” (expressed in percentage), “deduction” (reduced amount of selected “Currency” setting in the “Payments Settings”), the usage limit, the usage limit per customer, the expiration date of the coupon, and select the Service(s), Package(s), and/or Event(s) the coupon is valid on.

There are several options for the automatic sending of coupons, so you will also see the tab called “Notifications”.

In the “Notifications” tab you can now set “Notification interval” and define after how many scheduled appointments, packages, or events the customer will receive the coupon code in the notification automatically. Also, you can enable the option “Recurring notification” if you want to send this code again in case the customer didn’t use the code for a discount.

Once you are done entering the coupon information, simply click on the “Save” button and the newly created coupon will appear together with other coupons in the list. Once you create a coupon, customers can enter the coupon code on the “Confirm Booking” modal to reduce the price of their appointment.

Please note:

  • In order for the coupon code to be sent, you need to paste the coupon code placeholder into the notification template (found in the </>Email Templates menu in Unity Bookings/Notifications)
  • If the customer used the coupon code, it will not be sent again in the notification even though you have enabled the recurring option
  • The coupon code will be sent after the customer schedules X number of the same appointments (with the same services)
  • As for the events, the coupon code will be sent after the attendee books an X number of different events

To edit an existing coupon, click on the “Edit” button to the right of the coupon you want to change. Clicking on the “Edit” button will open an edit dialog that allows you to update the data in existing coupons. From the dialog, you can also duplicatehide and delete a selected coupon by choosing one of the actions in the dialog footer.


You can delete multiple coupons at the same time by checking the coupons you want to delete. The dialog box will appear at the bottom of the page when you check at least one coupon you want to delete. Once you are certain that you want to delete the coupons click the “Trash” icon and then the “Delete” button.


Hidden coupons will be grayed out in the coupons table and will no longer be valid, and so will the coupons that have reached their usage limit.